Dr Eon and Dr Olivia use a variety of Chiropractic techniques from the more manual style adjusting techniques like Diversified, Gonstead and Thompson through to the lower force/tonal techniques like SOT, Activator and TRT.
Thompson Technique uses a special table with several segments called drop pieces. The drop pieces help to minimise the force used during an adjustment, making it more comfortable for both the client and the doctor. Cavitation, or “popping”, of the joint typically does not occur. The majority of the adjustments are performed with the client lying face down.
SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique) is an analysis based technique, which focuses on the Sacrum and the Occiput (pelvis and cranial regions) and utilises low force balancing techniques including the “blocks” (padded wedges which with specific placement are used to balance the pelvis and spinal system). Cranial techniques are also part of SOT technique.
TRT (Torque Release Technique) is another analysis based technique, which is one of the most recently developed techniques and utilises the principles of many of the most popular techniques in chiropractic. This technique uses an instrument called an “Integrator” and is regarded as a low force, less invasive technique.