For Chiropractic care in Wangaratta and Myrtleford
Wangaratta: 03 5722 2629 Myrtleford: 03 5752 1810


Much of the most up to date, cutting edge research on healthcare continues to show that lifestyle factors such as how we eat, move and think have the greatest influence on how healthy we are.  At Alpine Chiropractic we know that improving these lifestyle factors will make a significant difference in your state of health.  Dr Eon  completed a wellness certification program in 2013 (through the International Chiropractic Association) which involved post graduate studies looking extensively into in the areas of diet, exercise and mental wellbeing.  This area has been a focus for Dr Eon over the past 20 years and he welcomes questions and those seeking advice on these topics.


Keep an eye out for articles and posts in this section about general lifestyle improvement strategies.Lady in relaxing yoga Lotus pose

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80 Standish St
03 5752 1810
Mon 2pm-6pm
Wed/Fri 9am – 6.30pm


22 Docker St
03 5722 2629
Tues 8.45am-12pm 2pm-5pm
Thur 1 pm – 6.30pm
Sat 8.45am – 12pm

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Member of Chiropractic Assoc. of Australia